About Me


Not long ago, I was under tremendous pressure. Life events seemed overwhelming. I collapsed under the weight and I “lost my mind” briefly . At first, I was terrified. Then I focused on my breath and calmness arose. I felt peaceful and free. I could see the truth. My suffering was caused by my thoughts about events and not the events themselves.  The fear dissolved.  Could it be that simple? Yes. I know that joy and suffering are self induced. I laughed when I became aware that I create my state of being. It has nothing to do with the outside world or the people and events. Nothing on the outside world can add to me or diminish me. I am.

I started Love2bMindful because I felt a calling to share a space that brings people together to spread positivity in the world.  I’m passionate about sharing mindfulness and meditation practices to bring more clarity and peace. Personal transformation and insight are the purpose of meditation. When practicing mindfulness instead of living life on the edge always grasping for desires or rejecting challenges, it’s possible to accept life exactly as it unfolds and have inner peace.  Meditation has been proven to change our brains and improve our capacity to accept adversity, but I don’t need a scientific study. I am proof.  I’m not on a “journey seeking happiness”. I’m just kickin’ a can down the road called life.  I want to be aware of now, not trapped in the past, which is just a dream, or concerned with a future, which doesn’t exist. Everything only happens now.  We don’t need to attach to emotions, but can allow them to be part of our experiences with serene detachment.  Everything that happens has value. When we can wholly accept ourselves with love, then we naturally become more loving towards others. Being present means we marvel at the smallest and simple things. We can feel intense connection and profound joy in the universe whether we are watching a Hawaiian sunrise or a baby praying mantis in our backyard. I learn from my cats to be curious and stay present.

Love & Peace


Mindfulness and Meditation Practicer & Certified Meditation Instructor (CMI)